6 Awesome Marijuana Marketing Ideas

Creative Marijuana Marketing Ideas

Marketing is a vital part of any business, including those in the cannabis industry. It helps put you in front of your target customers, generate interest, and encourage action. 

Today, the options for marketing are practically limitless. Along with traditional word of mouth, print ads, and billboards, you have a myriad of digital strategies, including your website and social media. To stand out, you’ll want to do something a little different, though. Why not give these creative marijuana marketing ideas a try? 

1. Leverage User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is any content (photos, videos, audio, text) your customers post online about your dispensary. It’s essentially the modern form of “word of mouth” advertising. 

To get more UGC, create a branded hashtag for your customers to use. This can help boost your visibility on social media. It also makes it easier for you to monitor what customers are saying about you. 

You can also highlight your customers by reposting their content on your social media pages. Just be sure to ask permission first and credit the original poster. 

2. Run Photo Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are great ways to increase engagement and spread the word about your dispensary. You can do something as simple as asking your followers to like, comment on, and share the official contest post to enter a raffle. Or you can ask participants to post photos with a contest hashtag and have your followers vote on the one they like best. Alternatively, your employees can choose a winner, or you can select one at random. Be sure that you follow not only the rules for social media contests but cannabis compliance regulations too.

3. Create a Campaign for Local Musicians

Another type of contest you could run is one for local musicians asking them to write a brand song for your dispensary. To select a winner, have your customers vote on their favorite. You can do this by having your entrants post their submissions on their social media pages or adding the video/audio to a page on your dispensary website. Another option is to host a live event for the musicians to perform in front of your visitors.

4. Host an Event

Speaking of hosting events, you have plenty of options that can help you promote your dispensary and drive more foot traffic through your doors. Consider options like cooking classes with a professional cannabis chef, educational workshops, cultivation courses, customer appreciation days, and product launches or vendor days.  

5. Make Your Dispensary “Instagrammable”

Create a space in your dispensary’s reception area where customers can snap photos. Set up a display panel if you want to, provide branded props, and encourage sharing on social media. Not only does this allow your visitors to have some fun while they wait, but it’s also a great way to reach more prospective customers without any direct advertising on your part.

6. Collaborate With Local Artists or Influencers

Local artists and relevant influencers — even small ones — can help boost awareness of your dispensary among their fans or followers, putting your name in front of more people. Don’t be afraid to reach out to them and strike up a conversation. Build rapport with them and pitch the idea of a collaboration. In exchange for their promotion of your business, you can promote them to your customers too. 

Implement Effective Creative Cannabis Marketing Ideas With HIGHOPES

Are you looking for new and innovative ways to market your dispensary? HIGHOPES can help you find and implement the best methods to boost awareness, attract customers, and drive more sales. If you’d like to learn more about our cannabis digital marketing and how we can help you produce results, check us out online.  

Patrick Toste from HIGHOPES

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