The Do’s & Don’ts of Dispensary Marketing

Do's and Don'ts of Dispensary Marketing

Marketing has long been an essential component of running a business. It allows you to spread the word about your company, attract potential customers, and encourage them to make a purchase. 

Marketing today looks a bit different than it did just a few decades ago. Many strategies that businesses, including dispensaries, use are digital. They’re meeting their customers where they are — online. Statistics show that pay-per-click (PPC) advertising returns $2 for every $1 you spend on it. Email marketing has a return on investment (ROI) of $36 for every $1 spent. Sixty-four percent of consumers who watch a branded video on social media go on to make a purchase afterward.

What Makes Dispensary Marketing Unique

Dispensary marketing is a bit more complicated than marketing for businesses in other industries. While cannabis is becoming more widely accepted, there is still some stigma surrounding it. There are also numerous legal hurdles. It’s still federally illegal, which means dispensaries have more limited access to some marketing channels. Even in states where it is legal, marketing regulations vary greatly.

Despite these challenges, dispensaries can still successfully increase brand awareness and attract customers with digital marketing. It will, however, take some careful planning and a bit of creativity. 

5 Dispensary Marketing Do’s and Don’ts

Here are a few of the top do’s and don’ts of dispensary marketing to help you get started:

1. Do Know Your Target Audience

One of the first things you need to determine is to whom you’re marketing. Take some time to brainstorm your “ideal” customer — how old they are, what they do for a living, their lifestyle, and their pain points (how you can help them). Knowing your target audience will help you market your dispensary more effectively.

2. Don’t Over exaggerate

Some of the top goals of digital marketing are to provide valuable, relevant information, boost web traffic, and turn visitors into customers. You also want to establish yourself as a trustworthy dispensary. Over exaggerating (or outright lying) can damage your credibility and hurt your business. 

3. Do Look Into Multiple Marketing Strategies

While marketing may more challenging, there are still several tactics you can use:

Social media marketing can also be incredibly effective, but you’ll need to market carefully here. For instance, you must avoid making health claims, using elements that might appeal to children, and using images that depict cannabis consumption. Instead, you might showcase high-quality pictures of your products, your team, and even special in-store deals. You might also consider cross-promoting with other brands, such as the companies whose products you sell or relevant influencers to help expand your reach. 

4. Don’t Blend In

While there are a lot of regulations that change frequently, you want to avoid doing the same thing as everyone else. The cannabis industry is growing larger every day. Blending in will only cause you to get lost in the fray. Find what sets you apart from your competition and run with it.

5. Do Work With an Experienced Marketing Agency

As a busy dispensary, you may not have the time necessary to devote to the type of marketing you want to do. That’s where an experienced cannabis marketing agency like Highopes comes in. With a team of professionals by your side, you can market your dispensary successfully.  

Grow Your Brand With Highopes

Are you ready to launch effective marketing campaigns that will expand your reach, increase brand awareness, and grow your customer base? Highopes is here to help. Speak with us today about cannabis digital marketing

Patrick Toste from HIGHOPES

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