Cannabis Online Marketing: What Are the Rules?

SEO Search Optimization

Marketing is an essential part of any business. A solid marketing plan consists of multiple tactics that function to make your company known, attract and engage potential customers, and generate more sales.

Today, online strategies have become a significant part of many businesses’ marketing plans. In the cannabis space, however, there are numerous additional rules and regulations that can make digital marketing a bit more challenging. 

Types of Online Marketing

“Online marketing” is a broad term that refers to various digital strategies to increase brand awareness, including:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When people want to find information, products, or services, they generally perform an online search first. Research shows the highest-ranking results tend to get the most clicks. Search engine optimization works to increase your ranking on the search results page, boosting your visibility. 

Content Marketing

Publishing relevant, valuable content showcases your knowledge on cannabis-related topics and helps you establish brand authority. You can also use blog articles and videos to bolster other digital marketing efforts, including SEO and social media marketing.

Email Marketing

Email is a type of content marketing that puts your messages directly into the hands of your subscribers — rather than them finding you through an online search. Despite the emergence of new digital marketing channels, well-executed email strategies still have one of the highest returns on investment. 

Social Media Marketing

Platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it incredibly easy for companies to connect with their target audience. While those in the cannabis industry will need to pay close attention to each platform’s rules, these spaces allow you to share relevant content, engage with your audience, and build your brand.

Digital Ads

While you may not be able to run paid ads on Google or social media platforms, you still have options. Along with taking out banner ads on cannabis websites and blogs, you can try programmatic advertising

Core Rules of Marketing Cannabis Online

When developing a cannabis online marketing strategy, there are a few general rules you’ll need to keep in mind:

  • Word your ads carefully: You can’t make health claims or make misleading statements.
  • Keep design in mind: Avoid using elements that might appeal to children or images that show users consuming products.
  • Take care with targeting: You can’t target anyone in states where cannabis is illegal, nor can you target anyone under 21.

The Importance of Understanding Local, State, and Federal Laws

Keep local, state, and federal laws in mind. For instance, cannabis advertising laws in California and other states require state-specific copy on all ad creatives. Florida requires all digital ads to have approval from the Florida Department of Health. 

You’ll also want to stay informed of the latest local, state, and federal regulations regarding digital (and traditional) marketing for cannabis. Any changes to current laws could put your business at risk. 

Benefits of Working With a Cannabis Marketing Expert

Digital marketing can be an overwhelming process for businesses in any industry. For those in the cannabis space, however, the additional rules and regulations can make things even more confusing. Issues can delay your campaigns and require you to redo them. That leads to less time spent reaching and attracting customers. 

Partnering with experts in cannabis online marketing ensures you get it right the first time. They’ll work with you to ensure your efforts are effective and compliant, allowing you to focus on other important matters.

Market Your Cannabis Brand With HIGHOPES

You don’t have to manage marketing alone. HIGHOPES can help you promote your brand and increase sales with cannabis digital marketing such as SEO, blog copywriting, and digital ads. We work closely with you to identify the best channels for the highest ROI. Contact us today to get started!

Patrick Toste from HIGHOPES

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